Radu Corcodel

Radu Corcodel
  • Biography

    Radu's PhD focused on workspace analysis and motion synthesis for arbitrary kinematic chains, with particular emphasis on robotic 3D printing and Fusion Deposition Modeling. Between 2007-2011, Radu worked for Siemens VDO (currently Continental, AG) as a Design Architect, where he contributed to the development and production of high-power DC/DC inverters for hybrid vehicles and digital tachographs for commercial vehicles. Currently his research focuses on motion planning and workspace analysis for over-actuated kinematic linkages and collaborative robots.

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  • MERL Publications

    •  Fujihashi, T., Koike-Akino, T., Corcodel, R., "Graph-Based Analog Joint Source Channel Coding for 3D Haptic Communication", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2024.
      BibTeX TR2024-070 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Fujihashi2024jun,
      • author = {Fujihashi, Takuya and Koike-Akino, Toshiaki and Corcodel, Radu}},
      • title = {Graph-Based Analog Joint Source Channel Coding for 3D Haptic Communication},
      • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)},
      • year = 2024,
      • month = jun,
      • url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2024-070}
      • }
    •  Ota, K., Jha, D.K., Jain, S., Yerazunis, W.S., Corcodel, R., Shukla, Y., Bronars, A., Romeres, D., "Autonomous Robotic Assembly: From Part Singulation to Precise Assembly", arXiv, June 2024.
      BibTeX arXiv
      • @article{Ota2024jun,
      • author = {Ota, Kei and Jha, Devesh K. and Jain, Siddarth and Yerazunis, William S. and Corcodel, Radu and Shukla, Yash and Bronars, Antonia and Romeres, Diego}},
      • title = {Autonomous Robotic Assembly: From Part Singulation to Precise Assembly},
      • journal = {arXiv},
      • year = 2024,
      • month = jun,
      • url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.05331}
      • }
    •  Kambara, M., Hori, C., Sugiura, K., Ota, K., Jha, D.K., Khurana, S., Jain, S., Corcodel, R., Romeres, D., Le Roux, J., "Human Action Understanding-based Robot Planning using Multimodal LLM", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), June 2024.
      BibTeX TR2024-066 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Kambara2024jun,
      • author = {Kambara, Motonari and Hori, Chiori and Sugiura, Komei and Ota, Kei and Jha, Devesh K. and Khurana, Sameer and Jain, Siddarth and Corcodel, Radu and Romeres, Diego and Le Roux, Jonathan}},
      • title = {Human Action Understanding-based Robot Planning using Multimodal LLM},
      • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Workshop},
      • year = 2024,
      • month = jun,
      • url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2024-066}
      • }
    •  Lin, H., Corcodel, R., Zhao, D., "Generalize by Touching: Tactile Ensemble Skill Transfer for Robotic Furniture Assembly", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2024.
      BibTeX TR2024-051 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Lin2024may2,
      • author = {Lin, Haohong and Corcodel, Radu and Zhao, Ding}},
      • title = {Generalize by Touching: Tactile Ensemble Skill Transfer for Robotic Furniture Assembly},
      • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
      • year = 2024,
      • month = may,
      • url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2024-051}
      • }
    •  Sun, L., Jha, D.K., Hori, C., Jain, S., Corcodel, R., Zhu, X., Tomizuka, M., Romeres, D., "Interactive Planning Using Large Language Models for Partially Observable Robotic Tasks", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2024.
      BibTeX TR2024-052 PDF Video
      • @inproceedings{Sun2024may,
      • author = {Sun, Lingfeng and Jha, Devesh K. and Hori, Chiori and Jain, Siddarth and Corcodel, Radu and Zhu, Xinghao and Tomizuka, Masayoshi and Romeres, Diego}},
      • title = {Interactive Planning Using Large Language Models for Partially Observable Robotic Tasks},
      • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
      • year = 2024,
      • month = may,
      • url = {https://www.merl.com/publications/TR2024-052}
      • }
    See All MERL Publications for Radu
  • Videos

  • MERL Issued Patents

    • Title: "Simulation-in-the-loop Tuning of Robot Parameters for System Modeling and Control"
      Inventors: Jain, Siddarth; Van Baar, Jeroen; Corcodel, Radu Ioan; Sullivan, Alan; Benosman, Mouhacine
      Patent No.: 11,975,451
      Issue Date: May 7, 2024
    • Title: "Interactive Tactile Perception Method for Classification and Recognition of Object Instances"
      Inventors: Corcodel, Radu Ioan; Jain, Siddarth; van Baar, Jeroen
      Patent No.: 11,794,350
      Issue Date: Oct 24, 2023
    • Title: "Apparatus and Method for Planning Contact-Interaction Trajectories"
      Inventors: Onol, Aykut; Corcodel, Radu Ioan
      Patent No.: 11,548,150
      Issue Date: Jan 10, 2023
    • Title: "Detection, Tracking and 3D Modeling of Objects with Sparse RGB-D SLAM and Interactive Perception"
      Inventors: Marcal de Almeida, Diogo Rodrigues; Corcodel, Radu Ioan
      Patent No.: 10,977,480
      Issue Date: Apr 13, 2021
    • Title: "System for Training Descriptor with Active Sample Selection"
      Inventors: Kocanaogullari, Aziz; Cansizoglu, Esra; Corcodel, Radu Ioan
      Patent No.: 10,810,468
      Issue Date: Oct 20, 2020
    See All Patents for MERL