
Symmetric Control Design for Multi-Evaporator Vapor Compression Systems

    •  Danielson, C., "Symmetric Control Design for Multi-Evaporator Vapor Compression Systems", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DOI: 10.1115/​DSCC2017-5167, October 2017.
      BibTeX TR2017-149 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Danielson2017oct,
      • author = {Danielson, Claus},
      • title = {Symmetric Control Design for Multi-Evaporator Vapor Compression Systems},
      • booktitle = {ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference},
      • year = 2017,
      • month = oct,
      • doi = {10.1115/DSCC2017-5167},
      • issn = {978-0-7918-5827-1},
      • url = {}
      • }
  • Research Area:



Multi-evaporator vapor compression systems (ME-VCS) are inherently multiinput multi-output (MIMO) systems, often with complex, highly coupled dynamics. Thus, they require more sophisticated control schemes than traditional on-off logic, or decentralized proportional-integral controllers. Unfortunately, many MIMO control design techniques are not well suited for this problem since they require complex numerical computations that do not scale gracefully for the high-dimensional dynamics of ME-VCS systems. This paper exploits the observed similarity of the room dynamics to reduce the computational complexity of designing controllers. We use a linear matrix inequality based controller synthesis technique that exploits symmetry for designing controllers for large-scale ME-VCS systems. This controller synthesis technique was applied to an MEVCS system with 50 rooms. Using tradition control design methods required 41 hours to synthesize a controller, while our technique designed an identical controller in less than 1 second.