
Modern Approaches to Augmented Reality

    •  Bimber, O., Raskar, R., "Modern Approaches to Augmented Reality", ACM SIGGRAPH, August 2007.
      BibTeX TR2006-105 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Bimber2007aug,
      • author = {Bimber, O. and Raskar, R.},
      • title = {Modern Approaches to Augmented Reality},
      • booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH},
      • year = 2007,
      • month = aug,
      • url = {}
      • }
  • Research Area:

    Computer Vision


This tutorial discusses the Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) concept, its advantages and limitations. It will present examples of state-of-the-art display configurations, appropriate real-time rendering techniques, details about hardware and software implementations, and current areas of application. Specifically, it will describe techniques for optical combination using single/multiple spatially aligned mirror-beam splitters, image sources, transparent screens and optical holograms. Furthermore, it presents techniques for projector based augmentation of geometrically complex and textured display surfaces, and (along with optical combination) methods for achieving consistent illumination and occlusion effects. Emerging technologies that have the potential of enhancing future augmented reality displays will be surveyed.


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      Date: August 5, 2007
      Where: ACM SIGGRAPH
      • The papers "Modern Approaches to Augmented Reality" by Bimber, O. and Raskar, R., "Buzz: Measuring and Visualizing Conference Crowds" by Wren, C.R., Ivanov, Y.A., Leigh, D. and Westhues, J. and "Illumination Sensitive Dynamic Virtual Sets" by Nii, J., deDecker, B., Hashimoto, Y., Moore, D., Summet, J., Zhao, Y., Westhues, J., Dietz, P., Barnwell, J., Inami, M., Bekaert, P. and Raskar, R. were presented at ACM SIGGRAPH.