
On Privacy-Utility Tradeoffs for Constrained Data Release Mechanisms

    •  Basciftci, Y.O., Wang, Y., Ishwar, P., "On Privacy-Utility Tradeoffs for Constrained Data Release Mechanisms", IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), February 2016.
      BibTeX TR2016-019 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Basciftci2016feb,
      • author = {Basciftci, Yuksel Ozan and Wang, Ye and Ishwar, Prakash},
      • title = {On Privacy-Utility Tradeoffs for Constrained Data Release Mechanisms},
      • booktitle = {IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA)},
      • year = 2016,
      • month = feb,
      • url = {}
      • }
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  • Research Area:

    Information Security


Privacy-preserving data release mechanisms aim to simultaneously minimize information-leakage with respect to sensitive data and distortion with respect to useful data. Dependencies between sensitive and useful data results in a privacy-utility tradeoff that has strong connections to generalized rate-distortion problems. In this work, we study how the optimal privacy-utility tradeoff region is affected by constraints on the data that is directly available as input to the release mechanism. In particular, we consider the availability of only sensitive data, only useful data, and both (full data). We show that a general hierarchy holds, that is, the tradeoff region given only the sensitive data is no larger than the region given only the useful data, which in turn is clearly no larger than the region given both sensitive and useful data. In addition, we determine conditions under which the tradeoff region given only the useful data coincides with that given full data. This is based on the common information between the sensitive and useful data.