
Content Aware Video Presentation on High-Resolution Displays

    •  Forlines, C., "Content Aware Video Presentation on High-Resolution Displays", International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI), May 2008, pp. 57-64.
      BibTeX TR2008-020 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Forlines2008may2,
      • author = {Forlines, C.},
      • title = {Content Aware Video Presentation on High-Resolution Displays},
      • booktitle = {International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)},
      • year = 2008,
      • pages = {57--64},
      • month = may,
      • isbn = {0-978-60558-141-5},
      • url = {}
      • }
  • Research Area:

    Human-Computer Interaction

TR Image
A frame from a Content Aware Video. The current shot is displayed in the foreground while the final frames from previous shots remain in the background (courtesy of NASA).

We describe a prototype video presentation system that presents a video in a manner consistent with the video's content. Our prototype takes advantage of the physically large display and pixel space that current high-definition displays and multi-monitor systems offer by rendering the frames of the video into various regions of the display surface. The structure of the video informs the animation, size, and the position of these regions. Additionally, previously displayed frames are often allowed to remain on-screen and are filtered over time. Our prototype presents a video in a manner that not only preserves the continuity of the story, but also supports the structure of the video; thus, the content of the video is reflected in its presentation, arguably enhancing the viewing experience.


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    •  NEWS    AVI 2008: 5 publications by Kent Wittenburg, Clifton Forlines and others
      Date: May 28, 2008
      Where: International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)
      • The papers "Multiview User Interfaces with an Automultiscopic Display" by Matusik, W., Forlines, C. and Pfister, H., "Adapting a Single-user, Single-display Molecular Visualization Application for Use in a Multi-user, Multi-Display Environment" by Forlines, C. and Lilien, R., "Content Aware Video Presentation on High-Resolution Displays" by Forlines, C., "Visualizing Antenna Design Spaces" by Wittenburg, K., Lanning, T., Leigh, D. and Ryall, K. and "Combining and Measuring the Benefits of Bimanual Pen and Direct-Touch Interaction of Interfaces" by Brandl, P., Forlines, C., Wigdor, D., Haller, M. and Shen, C. were presented at the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI).