
Visualizing Antenna Design Spaces

    •  Wittenburg, K., Lanning, T., Leigh, D., Ryall, K., "Visualizing Antenna Design Spaces", International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI), May 2008, pp. 83-90.
      BibTeX TR2008-017 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Wittenburg2008may,
      • author = {Wittenburg, K. and Lanning, T. and Leigh, D. and Ryall, K.},
      • title = {Visualizing Antenna Design Spaces},
      • booktitle = {International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)},
      • year = 2008,
      • pages = {83--90},
      • month = may,
      • isbn = {0-978-60558-141-5},
      • url = {}
      • }
  • Research Area:

    Human-Computer Interaction

TR Image
The overview pane of the latest version of our visualization tool (shown an small window size for readability). Three linked scatterplots are views into a 3D space of performance measures. The current selections are updated in all views.

This paper describes a long-term project exploring advanced visual interfaces for antenna design. MERL developed three successive prototypes that embodied an evolution towards larger scales and more concrete semantics for visualization of large sets of candidate designs and then winnowing them down. We experimented with multidimensional scaling and then collective line graphs before settling on linked scatterplots to visualize performance in a design of up to 10 million antennas at a time. In the end, the scatterplot solution was most successful at balancing intelligibility with visualization of the space as a whole. The design allows for adding more 1D or 2D linked feature visualizations if needed, and it smoothly transitions to other \"details on demand\" views for final tweaking.


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    •  NEWS    AVI 2008: 5 publications by Kent Wittenburg, Clifton Forlines and others
      Date: May 28, 2008
      Where: International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI)
      • The papers "Multiview User Interfaces with an Automultiscopic Display" by Matusik, W., Forlines, C. and Pfister, H., "Adapting a Single-user, Single-display Molecular Visualization Application for Use in a Multi-user, Multi-Display Environment" by Forlines, C. and Lilien, R., "Content Aware Video Presentation on High-Resolution Displays" by Forlines, C., "Visualizing Antenna Design Spaces" by Wittenburg, K., Lanning, T., Leigh, D. and Ryall, K. and "Combining and Measuring the Benefits of Bimanual Pen and Direct-Touch Interaction of Interfaces" by Brandl, P., Forlines, C., Wigdor, D., Haller, M. and Shen, C. were presented at the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI).