
Factored Time-Lapse Video

    •  Sunkavalli, K., Matusik, W., Pfister, H., Rusinkiewicz, S., "Factored Time-Lapse Video", ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Vol. 26, No. 3, July 2007.
      BibTeX TR2007-117 PDF
      • @article{Sunkavalli2007jul,
      • author = {Sunkavalli, K. and Matusik, W. and Pfister, H. and Rusinkiewicz, S.},
      • title = {Factored Time-Lapse Video},
      • journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
      • year = 2007,
      • volume = 26,
      • number = 3,
      • month = jul,
      • issn = {0730-0301},
      • url = {}
      • }
  • Research Area:

    Computer Vision

TR Image
We decompose a time-lapse sequence of photographs (a) into sun, sky, shadow, and reflectance components. The representation permits re-rendering without shadows (b) and without skylight (c), or modifying the reflectance of surfaces in the scene (d).

We describe a method for converting time-lapse photography captured with outdoor cameras into Factored Time-Lapse Video (FTLV): a video in which time appears to move faster (i.e., lapsing) and where data at each pixel has been factored into shadow, illumination, and reflectance components. The factorization allows a user to easily relight the scene, recover a portion of the scene geometry (normals), and to perform advanced image editing operations. Our method is easy to implement, robust, and provides a compact representation with good reconstruction characteristics. We show results using several publicly available time-lapse sequences.


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