
Exploring Non-Speech Auditory Feedback at an Interactive Multi-User Tabletop

    •  Hancock, M.S., Shen, C., Forlines, C., Ryall, K., "Exploring Non-Speech Auditory Feedback at an Interactive Multi-User Tabletop", Conference on Graphics Interface (GI), May 2005, pp. 41-50.
      BibTeX TR2005-054 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Hancock2005may,
      • author = {Hancock, M.S. and Shen, C. and Forlines, C. and Ryall, K.},
      • title = {Exploring Non-Speech Auditory Feedback at an Interactive Multi-User Tabletop},
      • booktitle = {Conference on Graphics Interface (GI)},
      • year = 2005,
      • pages = {41--50},
      • month = may,
      • issn = {0713-5424},
      • url = {}
      • }

We present two experiments on the use of non-speech audio at an interactive multi-touch, multi-user tabletop display. We first investigate the use of two categories of reactive auditory feedback: affirmative sounds that confirm user actions and negative sounds that indicate errors. Our results show that affirmative auditory feedback may improve one's awareness of group activity at the expense of one's awareness of his or her own activity. Negative auditory feedback may also improve group awareness, but simultaneously increase the perception of errors for both the group and the individual. In our second experiment, we compare two methods of associating sounds to invididuals in a co-located environment. Specifically, we compare localized sound, where each user has his or her own speaker, to coded sound, where users share one speaker, but the waveform of the sounds are vaired so that a different sound is played for each user. Results of this experiement reinforce the presence of tension between group awareness and individual focus found in the first experiment. User feedback suggests that users are more easily able to identify who caused a sound when either localized or coded sound is used, but that they are also more able to focus on their individual work. Our experiments show that, in general, auditory feedback can be used in co-located collaborative applications to support either individual work or gorup awareness, but not both simulatneously, depending on how it is presented.


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    •  NEWS    GI 2005: publication by MERL researchers and others
      Date: May 9, 2005
      Where: Conference on Graphics Interface (GI)
      • The paper "Exploring Non-Speech Auditory Feedback at an Interactive Multi-User Tabletop" by Hancock, M.S., Shen, C., Forlines, C. and Ryall, K. was presented at the Conference on Graphics Interface (GI).