NEWS    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General: publication by MERL researchers and others

Date released: January 22, 2003

  •  NEWS    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General: publication by MERL researchers and others
  • Date:

    January 22, 2003

  • Where:

    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General

  • Description:

    The article "Renormalization Group Approach to Error-Correcting Codes" by Yedidia, J.S. and Bouchaud, J.-P. was published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General.

    •  Yedidia, J.S., Bouchaud, J.-P., "Renormalization Group Approach to Error-Correcting Codes", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 36, pp. 1267-1288, January 2003.
      BibTeX TR2001-19 PDF
      • @article{Yedidia2003jan2,
      • author = {Yedidia, J.S. and Bouchaud, J.-P.},
      • title = {Renormalization Group Approach to Error-Correcting Codes},
      • journal = {Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General},
      • year = 2003,
      • volume = 36,
      • pages = {1267--1288},
      • month = jan,
      • url = {}
      • }